by Year 5

books we like

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Asterix and Obelix

In this great BD Asterix and Obelix and his dog domatix go on amazing adventures out of the village. Obelix takes great big Menhirs to many villages. It is his job, his best friend Asterix join him on his adventure all the time. The Romans don't like them because the villages are invincible and they call them crazy. In their adventure Obelix really loves beating up all the Romans he even makes his friends do it. When Obelix was young he fell into the magic potion and now he doesn't even need to drink it to be strong. I think that this comic is the best comic ever invented!   

1 comment:

  1. Some of of the boys and girls in year one love this book. They think it is so funny.
    Year 1
