by Year 5

books we like

Saturday, June 2, 2012

"We are delighted to announce the publication of Mr Altamirano´s last work called: The Spanish Horse: the evolution of its morphology. It will be available in both spanish and english. As in Mr Altamirano´s previous books, this new one is a state of the art editorial work, that includes pictures of the world´s best horse photograpers.

The writer´s first and most revolutionary of his books, discovered the real origin of the Spanish Horse. In the second, the author demosntrated the leyend of the Carthusian Horses was completely false. In this book, Mr Altamirano shows us the creation process of our horse today´s morphology, explaining the reasons hidden behind it, and its evolution through the centuries. Reading this book you will learn things such as why grey was the most common colour of these horses, why sorrel was excluded from the breed. You will realize how the ignorance of history led to the creation of myths and fantasies, that affected negatively the selection process of the spanish horse. Today´s discussion about the frontonasal profile of our horse, how it was when this horse was created, and why it changed through time, is also part of the content of Mr Altamirano´s book.
The author also explains why elevated gaits were prefered and the origin of "el campaneo". He proves false other theories such as the influence of a certain geographical area (Marismas del Guadalquivir), and climate, as determinant factors in the Spanish Horse characteristical morphology and movements, the correlation between the fighting bull and the back shape of the Spanish Horse, or this horse´s most common colour (grey) with the sun of Andalusia.
The reader will learn about the Spanish Horse original croup, neck, and the cause of the so called "gato"(fat neck). The writer proves that "Solo", the most famous and considered the purest "Carthusian" horse and original ancestor of the "El Bocado" blood line, was not part of that line, but just a horse that Mr Vicente Romero acquired and rebranded with his brand.
He present documentary evidence which clearly indicates that the Spanish horse is not the result of natural evolution but rather the product of the greatest genetic project of history, the one undertaken in 1567 at the orders of King Philip II in the city of Cordoba for the purpose of creating a breed of horses which would have specific pre-established characteristics."

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